Saturday, October 23, 2010

TCR #29: It's the little things


Howdy Everyone!

I have so missed playing along with The Color Room each week. Between juggling 'life moments'(and trust me when I say that we have pretty much had 3 months of them), family and other scrapping commitments, there just doesn't seem to be much time left for just 'playing' for the heck of it (LOL!) BUT... I just had to make time when I saw this week's palette.
We are back in 'Her Room' **sigh**

This is my take on it

it's the little things


I have combined some older Making Memories, Grace Taylor and Basic Grey with some newer (and older) Prima.

Really enjoyed putting this one together and I have to say that I just love how this one turned out


Chippie Title is one of Rachelle's and is available in the Scrapping Outback Store HEREPhotobucket



Ольга Голуб said...

Очень красивая работа!

kerry said...

Simply stunning this palette was so pretty .Take care Kerryxx

Kerryn said...

Wowee Trudi! Love it!!!

Scrapthat said...

It's Gorrrrgeous!

Sue said...

Trudi, This is beautiful.

Luz Maria Bruna said...

What a stunning LO my friend,so so pretty!!!

Marelize said...

Beautiful layout and photo Trudi. :)

Mazz's Scrap O'Clock said...

oh Trudy this is just ADORABLE...cant get much more adorable than that LO you're so talented and clever, I do hope you dont give up on 'fun' scrappin anytime soon xxxx

LG said...