Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Ruby Rock-It! Cute Easter Basket

Hello Again!

It's Trudi with you today sharing some moer papercraft fun.  With Easter fast approaching, these baskets are super cute and can be easily whipped up to add a personal touch when giving to someone special this Easter.  Add some chocolate eggs or a touch of shabby chic as I have done for those that don't do chocolate.   
 Ruby Rock It Products:
Happy Days HY64 Spot This
Ribbon, Pom Pom Trim, Flowers, Tulle, Ceramic Rabbit, Styrene Eggs

I created the basket with Happy Days HY64 Spot This.  The paper is double sided so is perfect for basket creating - it is always nice to have a pretty inside colour!    
As you can see, I have gone for the non chocolate option.  
Line the basket with some tulle to add a touch of softness.  Attach some pom pom trim across the top of the handle and a couple of ribbon bows on the side.  

 Attach flowers over the top of the ribbon bows. Wrap a flower vine around the handle and sit a ceramic bunny amongst the tulle.  Scatter some small styrene eggs - I also attach some to florist wire and had these coming out from the floral cluster.

To recreate your own cute easter basket:
 Trim a piece that measures 6" x 6" from the Happy Days Spot This paper.

Score the base - 2" in on either side, turn the paper and score 2" in on either side.

Add a decorative corner edges with a corner punch.

Cut up to the intersecting line from the bottom and top.
Fold at each of the score lines

Bring up the two corners to slightly overlap

Create a basket handle by trimming a piece that measure 0.75" x 10" from Happy Days Spot This paper. 
Slip one edge in under where the two pieces meet and secure in place with a small brad. 
Slip the other edge in and secure with a brad similarly.
 The basket is ready for filling with chocolate goodness!
Try altering the size of the basket by trimming the paper 8" x 8" or even 10" x 12".  Adjust the score lines and the length of the handle accordingly.

Thanks so much for dropping by,
Happy Creating!

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