Friday, December 11, 2009

My Littlest Angel

It's been a little while since I had a photo share especially of my littlest girl - for some reason actually getting a photo of her is a feat in itself. Must be something to do with the age though with saying this, I don't always recall it being this difficult with her bigger sister. Anyway here's a couple of my favourites that I have managed to capture of her recently

BAH HUMBUG - Christmas Pout

This one was taken earlier this year and was actually snapped with my mobile phone camera so the quality is not as good plus Nikayla was also sitting behind a window of perspex. I have had to do some serious editing with it - it's still by no means perfect but I just absolutely love the expression on her little face

Credits: Jessica Spraque Black Negative Frame; Ali Edwards Word Art Brushes


mandysea said...

Oh my gosh!! How ADORABLE IS she!!!
Very much like a little 'super' model!

Teehee - love the bah-humbug!!!

Kathie said...

Love the photos Trudi!! Very very cute is that little sweetie of yours!!

Alicia Barry said...

She is so gorgeous Trudi.

Scrapthat said...

Don't want to overwhelm you with a ton of comments all in one day but that Christmas Pout shot is PRICELESS...she's so dainty in her stance.... Not only are you a talented scrapper but you also do Beautiful photography work!!